Choose the most fun baby shower games that are perfect for any theme or mom to be from this huge list of games! Whether you’re hosting a first time baby shower or a baby sprinkle for a mom of four, there’s a baby shower game to fit the occasion!
Not sure which baby shower game to choose? We’ll walk you through how to pick the best baby shower games for the shower you’re hosting to make sure guests have fun and mom to be enjoys every moment!

The Best Baby Shower Games
Choosing the best baby shower games for a shower you’re hosting is tough. Because let’s face it – baby shower games can be lame. But they can also be what everyone remembers about the shower because they were so much fun.
I’ve hosted and attended a lot of baby showers so I get it. At the end of the day, you really need to pick baby shower games that match the mom to be and the day she’s hoping for.
Only you know what will work best, but I’ve given you plenty of baby shower game options to choose from!
Baby Shower game Ideas for Groups
If you’re looking for something a little more involved (and in my personal opinion more fun), try one of these fun baby shower games! They’re games the entire group plays together and do involve a little more prep work but it’s worth it in the end!
Baby Shower Jeopardy
This fun baby shower inspired variation of the classic Jeopardy game with all questions related to baby showers in some way!
There are all sorts of categories ranging from celebrity babies to baby talk! Plus, this free printable baby shower Jeopardy game comes with everything you need to play and instructions to create your own board with Post-It notes!
Baby Shower Bingo
Print out these baby shower bingo cards for a baby inspired version of the classic game of bingo! This is a great option if all you want to do is print out bingo cards and buy prizes!
Make a baby shower charcuterie board for people to snack on while they play, print out the games, and see who gets lucky with a bingo first!
Baby Shower Price is Right
If you’ve ever watched the Price is Right on TV, this baby shower game is inspired by all of their games! Everyone has to guess how much baby inspired things cost (like diapers, wipes, baby food, etc.) and whoever can guess closest wins!
This baby shower price is right game is also a fun way to get cute gifts for the mom to be too!
Baby Shower Poem Game
This game is super quick and easy, plus it takes no skills to play, just listening! Players will listen to this printable baby shower poem and earn (and lose) points as they go! It’s a fun one that takes pretty much no prep at all!
Baby Shower Name that Tune
One of my all-time favorite games is name that tune. Make a baby shower variation of this by playing with just these baby shower songs that include the word babe or baby in the title! It’s fun, it’s interactive, and the list has songs from every generation on it to keep things interesting!
Draw the Baby
Players blindly draw what they think baby will look like on an index card on their forehead using these clues!
Printable Baby Shower Games
If you games that are a little less interactive, ones that people can just fill out on their own – these will probably work for you! These are ones that you can hand out, have people fill out (without cheating by using their phones) and then turn in to see who gets the most correct!
If it was me, I’d do it all together and just spend 10-15 minutes on it but you can also just put them out for people to do in their own time!
Baby Shower Trivia Game
See who knows things like what is the most popular day of the week for babies to be born on and what is the name of the baby in The Incredibles in this fun baby shower trivia game.
There are twenty different questions ranging from pop culture to historical events so there’s a good shot for everyone to get at least a question or two right!
Baby Animal Matching Games
If you want some trivia that’s cuter, try playing one of these baby animal matching games! There are three different options to choose from whether you want them to have animals to choose from or just have to come up with baby animals on their own!
Baby Shower Word Scramble
This is more of an activity than a baby shower game but still a cute one if you want something less involved. See who can complete this entire baby shower word scramble and if they do, they’re entered to win a prize!
Or do it all together and the fastest one to finish wins! Or just have it out as a fun activity – it’s not super hard so most people will likely get all or most of them right!
Baby Shower Emoji Game
See who can figure out the nursery rhymes represented by a line of emojis in this fun baby shower emoji game! We’ve done this a couple of times, and it’s always super fun!
Baby Shower Song Game
See who can come up with the titles of songs like Ice Ice Baby and Baby Got Back in this fun baby shower song game that only gives lyrics of songs and makes players try to come up with titles! It’s surprisingly difficult and super fun!
Active Baby Shower Games
These are games that will get everyone up and moving! These work great for coed showers, showers with families, or just a traditional baby shower!
Blindfolded Diaper Changing
This blindfolded diaper changing game would be great for a co-ed shower but should work with just women as well. It’s just what it sounds like, blindfolded diaper changing.
Tinkle in the Pot
Pregnant women and peeing is almost like peanut butter and jelly, they just go together. This hilarious tinkle in the pot game is a play on that using ping pong balls and pots.
How the Baby Was Made
I can’t even begin to explain this one to you other than to say it includes plunging a plunger into a toilet paper roll in hilarious fashion. Definitely one I’ll be trying in the near future!
Bobbing for Nipples
Just like it sounds, bob for bottle nipples instead of apples.
Pregnant Twister
Twister is one of my favorite games of all-time, and I can’t even imagine playing while pregnant. This pregnant twister game turns non-pregnant women into pregnant women with the use of a pillow and pits them up against each other in an awesome game.
Baby Stroller Olympics
Plan out Olympic games and relays like these that incorporate umbrella strollers, stroller relays, and more!
Baby Chug
Chug, chug, chug! See who can chug apple juice or water from a baby bottle fastest in this fun baby chug game. You can typically get cheap bottles from the dollar store!
Crap Happens
This is one of those games everyone has heard about – smelling chocolate in diapers to see if you can decide what candy bar it came from. I included this version because I think the name is hilarious and the crap happens board that she used is awesome!
What Celebrity Mom Am I?
Give everyone an index card as they come in with a celebrity mom to put on their backs. They then have to figure out who they are by asking people questions.
Baby Shower Minute to Win It Games
The set of games below were originally intended to be played minute to win it style. But you don’t have to do that – Pick whichever ones sound the most fun to you and go for it. We typically play them as minute to win it games, but you can play them as individual games as well.
If you will have multiple generations at the party, make sure to split the different generations among teams!
Bottle to Bottle
- Baby bottles (long skinny ones like this work best)
- Double-sided tape
- Sprinkles
Fill one baby bottle with sprinkles then put a piece of double-sided tape or paper with a medium size hole in it over the opening of the bottle (no nipple). Take another bottle and put it upside down (so the two openings are touching) on the other bottle and tape together.
Players must transfer sprinkles from one bottle to the other bottle to win.
Rock A Bye Baby
This game is played in pairs. Give each pair a pair of fuzzy baby pjs and a bucket full of these little plastic babies. On the other side of the room, place a bucket or box.

When you say go, one person should hold the feet of the pjs while the other person holds the top of the pjs.
Then the team should put a baby in the middle of the pjs and use the pjs to fling the baby across the room, hopefully landing the baby in the bucket. The team to land the most in a minute wins!
Diaper Hang
Before the game, hang a string from one place to another and provide players with a bucket full of diapers and clothespins.
Players must hang as many diapers as possible using just the clothespins on a string or clothesline in the allotted time.
Bottle Toss
- Baby bottles (use the ones from the sprinkle game above) or just buy them separately like these
- Chopsticks
Remove the top part, the part a baby sucks on, from the baby bottle – you’ll be using those for the game.
This game is played in pairs. One player will have 5 (or another number) of the bottle tops and have to toss them over to their partner who has to try and catch them on a chopstick.
If they catch one, they can put it in their “caught” pile. If they drop it, it returns to the tossing player to try again.
Five Little Ducks
This game is played in pairs as well. Give each pair a bucket full of small ducks like this one and set up an empty bucket across the room.
One player on each team should stand on one side of the room. Their partner should stand in the middle of the room between their partner and the empty bucket.
To play, the first player on the team has to toss ducks over their partner’s head (who has to duck) and try and land them in the basket on the other side of the room. First team to land five ducks wins.
Celebrity Baby Name Game
- Pictures of celebrities and pictures of their babies (print out ahead of time)
Put all of the pictures (both celebrities and their babies) upside down in a pile and to play, guests have to turn over the pictures and match all of the celebrity moms to their babies within the time limit.
Ice Ice Baby
Before the party, freeze babies into ice cubes (one baby per cube). To play, give each player one ice cube and the first player to melt their ice cube and get their baby out first wins.
We did this with our 4th of July party games with bells (let freedom ring), and it was a huge hit!
Blind Blocking
Blindfold each player and sit them in front of a pile of blocks (use these alphabet ones then give to mom-to-be as a gift).
Players must build a stack of blocks as high as possible in the allotted time. If their stack falls over, they can start again. Player with the highest tower at the end of the time wins.
Wipe Out
- Baby wipes (one pack per player)
Give each player a large pack of wipes. Players must use one hand to pull out all of the wipes from the container. First player to empty all of the wipes wins.
Chop Binky
Players must use a chopstick held in their mouth (no hands) to pick up binkies from a table.
First player to pick up a certain number of binkies or player that picks up the most in the allotted time wins. Make sure to use binkies like these ones so the chopstick fits through the handle.
Lost Sock Hunt
- Diaper bag (or just a purse with lots of pockets)
- Baby items (to fill the diaper bag)
- One baby sock
Give each person a diaper bag filled with all of the typical things you might find in a diaper bag (diapers, snacks, toys, clothes, etc.) including a blue or pink sock. Teams must search through the diaper bag to be the first one to find the hidden sock.
Baby Shark
- Swedish Fish (or gummy sharks)
Split your group into pairs. Give each pair a small bag of Swedish Fish (or gummy sharks). Have one person stand on one side of the room and the other person stand on the other side of the room.
To play, players must toss Swedish Fish across the room and their partner must catch the fish in their mouth.
As soon as a player catches a fish, they must switch with their partner and continue tossing until the minute is out. The team that catches the most wins.
Name that Nursery Rhyme
- Index cards with lines from nursery rhymes written on them (e.g., the mouse ran up the clock)
Put all of the index cards into a pile. Players must pick a card from the pile and name the correct nursery rhyme as quickly as possible. Once they name one, they can move onto the next card and try to get as many as possible in the minute.
Players can pass if they don’t know it, but they can’t come back and try it again. It’d also be fun to play nursery rhyme charades using the same index cards!
Game Tip!
Make sure to choose the most popular nursery rhymes that everyone will know! Otherwise, this one might get really tough.
Bathtub Bounce
- Baby bathtub like these ones you get from the hospital
- Ping pong balls
Set up a table with a baby bathtub at the end and fill it with water. Players must bounce ping pong balls from one side of the table to the other, trying to get as many ping pong balls into the bathtub as possible in the minute.
Spin the Bottle
- Baby bottles
- Piece of paper with the letters “BABY” “BOYS” or “GIRLS” in the corners (you choose)
Give each person an empty baby bottle and a piece of paper with the letters “BOY” or “GIRL” in the corners. The player must be the first to spin the bottle and have it land on all of the letters to spell the correct word in order.
If you go with baby, make sure they go in order – they can’t use one of the B’s twice.
Baby Sitter
- Balloons
- The letters B-A-B-Y written out on slips of paper
Put one letter in four balloons and blow up the balloons.
To play, players must sit on the balloons, find the letters, and put them in order first to win. Think that’s too easy? Make them blow up the balloons first (you just put the letters inside).
- Baby clothes
- laundry basket
Fill a laundry basket with baby clothes. Players must go through the laundry basket and put together as many complete outfits (including matching socks, a hat, mittens, etc.) as possible in the time.
Hooded Towel Race
- Hooded towels
- Obstacles of some sort (diaper boxes, stuffed animals, baby toys, books)
Before the game, set up a course using stuffed animals, diaper boxes, etc. that players will have to go around like an obstacle course. Give each player a hooded towel and time them as they scoot on the towel on the ground from one end of the obstacle course to the other and back.
Player with the fastest score (or first player to finish if you all go at once) wins.
Baby Got Back
- Plastic hooks with a piece of string tied to them (long enough to reach the end of the table you’ll play on)
- String
- Mini plastic babies
Tie the small hooks onto pieces of string that are about the length of the table. On the other side of the table, place the plastic babies.
To play, player must stand at the end of the table opposite the babies and when the timer starts, they must toss the hooks with the string and try to catch the babies and bring them back in.
Player must hook a certain number of babies within the time limit or be the first one.
Sugar Baby
- Bowl of sugar
- Gummy letters
- Plastic tablecloth (optional)
How to Play:
Hide the gummy letters B-A-B-Y in a bowl of sugar.
To play, a player must use a plastic spoon in their mouth to try and dig out the letters first.
Game Tip!
Put a disposable tablecloth over the table before you start playing. Then cleanup is just rolling up the tablecloth and throwing it away!
Not Game Baby Shower Games
If you don’t want actual baby shower games but still want some fun surprise type activities that you can incorporate into the baby shower, try one of these!
Find the Baby
Hide a baby doll around the shower somewhere and if someone finds it, they choose a prize from a number of prizes. Then that person hides the baby doll again for someone to find. Keep going hiding and finding the baby doll throughout the shower until all of the prizes have been found!
We’ve done this as a turkey hunt and even Easter bunny hunt and it’s always a huge hit!
Surprise Prizes
Play music while the mom to be is opening her gifts and when the music stops, whoever’s gift she is opening wins a prize! I saw this in a Facebook reel at some point (but can’t find it again) and love this non-game idea!
You could do something similar throughout the party by having a cup full of paper slips that you could choose from anytime the music stops. For example:
- Whoever is closest to the mom to be
- Whoever is closest to the door
- Whoever last used the restroom
- Whoever’s glass is the fullest
Baby Shower Playlist
If you’re going to do the music idea above, here is the ultimate baby shower song list with tons of songs that have the word baby in the title!
Measure mom game
Have everyone guess how big around mom is and then measure her to determine the winner. I’ll be honest, I personally hate this game because I never wanted to be measured when I was pregnant, but I know a lot of people love it!
What does the cake cost?
This is another super easy activity that takes no effort at all to play. Make a diaper cake before the party and total up how much you spent on it. Then have people guess how much they think it cost. The person who gets the closest wins!
Predict the Baby
Have everyone fill out one of these baby prediction sheets with when the baby will be born, how much it’ll weigh, and how long it’ll be. Then whoever gets those numbers closest wins a prize after the baby is born!
The printable I linked to above also has a spot for providing advice to the new mom – always a cute idea!
Don’t Say Baby
This game is similar to the game I played at my black and white party a few years ago. Guests are given a pin at the beginning and can’t say baby or else they lose their pin.
My Water Broke
Freeze these plastic babies in ice cubes and first person to have their “water break” wins.
How to Choose baby shower games
Every new mom is a little different, so I’ve put together a huge collection of baby shower game ideas so that hopefully there’s at least one you think will work for your occasion! Because the most important thing about a baby shower is making sure the mom to be feels as loved as possible!
If it’s someone (like me) that loves games, then go all in on games. You could pick one or three of these games and she’d love it.
On the other hand, if the mom to be is more would rather just hang out and eat finger foods off this baby shower charcuterie board, then do an easy printable baby shower game that’s low-key. Or do some of my non-game activities above to give the feel of games without actual baby shower games.
Baby Shower Game Prizes
One of the biggest questions I get asked regularly is what should I use for prizes for my baby shower games.
The first thing I like to do is try and come up with ideas that match your theme or at least color scheme. If you take one of the most popular baby shower themes for girls, “ready to pop,” you could do something like gourmet popcorn.
Or if you’re doing the popular boy baby shower theme of woodland animals, you could do something with a woodsy look or smell like a candle.
If you can’t come up with anything good that goes along with your theme, these are always good standby prize ideas:
- Gourmet treats like chocolates
- Pamper items like bath bombs, face masks, lip glosses, etc.
- Gift cards or local experiences
- Anything with the word baby
- Anything with the word shower or that would go with a shower (think umbrellas)
- Something that goes along with the game they won – for example if it’s the baby bottle in the sprinkle game above, maybe a gift bag of fun sprinkles.
Baby Shower Games FAQs
How many baby shower games?
How many baby shower games you should play will totally depend on your mother-to-be and the guests attending the baby shower.
If you have a mother-to-be like me who loves games, I’d say go all out and plan 2-3 different games, mixing them up with these active games and these printable baby shower games.
If you have a mother-to-be who doesn’t like games, skip them all together.
Are baby shower games necessary?
No, baby shower games are not necessary. That being said, I think they’re a huge part of a baby shower and most people think they’re really fun!
More Baby Shower Ideas
Games are only part of the baby shower planning process! If you need help with rest of it, here are some great resources!
- Unique baby shower themes – if you want something a little out of the ordinary, these are for you! There are even Halloween baby shower themes!
- Baby shower gift ideas – even if you’re hosting, you probably need to get the mom to be a gift and these are some great ones!
- Baby shower favor tag – this simple gift tag works for pretty much any baby shower theme!
- Books for baby showers – having a book related theme, get one of these for the new mom!
- DIY baby shower decorations – super simple decoration ideas you can use for all sorts of showers!
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