Twenty of the best baby shower games including free printable baby shower games, baby shower games for groups, and more! No matter what kind of of baby shower games you’re looking for, there’s something here for everyone!
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The Ultimate Collection of Baby Shower Games
One of my all-time most popular blog posts is 20 hilarious baby shower games. They’re all games that I came up and fit into the minute to win it game style that I love but could all just be played on their own (not minute to win it) too.
I thought it would be fun to add another post with 20 MORE hilarious baby shower games. The difference is that these are all games that I’ve added to my collection from other people’s baby shower ideas. And while I haven’t played all of these myself, I started laughing while reading a bunch of the descriptions so I can guarantee they’d be hilarious. No matter if you’re simply looking for free printable baby shower games or embarrassing games for the mom-to-be, there’s something for everyone!
I’ve broken them into three categories so you can pick whatever works best for your group:
- Active – people have to be active and really participate to play
- Sit down – printable games, sitting down group games, etc.
- Passive – people can play as they walk around/chat, etc.
I’ve included a very short description of each game below. Click on the game name or image (if there is one) to get full details on each game from the original source.
Active Baby Shower Games
Blindfolded Diaper Changing – This one would be great for a co-ed shower but should work with just women as well. It’s just what it sounds like, blindfolded diaper changing.
Tinkle in the Pot – Pregnant women and peeing is almost like peanut butter and jelly, they just go together. This hilarious game is a play on that using ping pong balls and pots.
How the Baby Was Made – I can’t even begin to explain this one to you other than to say it includes plunging a plunger into a toilet paper roll in hilarious fashion. Definitely one I’ll be trying in the near future!
Bobbing for Nipples – Just like it sounds, bob for bottle nipples instead of apples.
Pregnant Twister – Twister is one of my favorite games of all-time, and I can’t even imagine playing while pregnant. This game turns non-pregnant women into pregnant women with the use of a pillow and pits them up against each other in an awesome game of Twister.
Baby Stroller Olympics – Plan out Olympic games and relays like these that incorporate umbrella strollers and all of your guests!
Baby Chug – Chug, chug, chug! See who can chug apple juice or water from a baby bottle fastest.
Crap Happens – This is one of those games everyone has heard about – smelling chocolate in diapers to see if you can decide what candy bar it came from. I included this version because I think the name is hilarious and the crap happens board that she used is awesome!
What Celebrity Mom Am I? – Give everyone an index card as they come in with a celebrity mom to put on their backs. They then have to figure out who they are by asking people questions. Full details and celebrity mom ideas here.
Free Printable Baby Shower Games
Oh Baby Printable Baby Shower Game – Players have to guess songs with the word baby in them just by reading a line of lyrics! Get the printable here.
Baby Shower Points Poem – Read this free printable poem to the group and as you read, people tally up “points,” for things like having a diaper in their bag, cooking breakfast that morning, and having kids. It’s simple and fun.
Baby Shower Emoji Game – See who can guess the nursery rhymes represented by the line of emojis! Be careful, they can be a bit trickier than you’d expect!
Draw the Baby – Players blindly draw what they think baby will look like on an index card on their forehead.
Pass the Parcel Baby Shower Rhyme – Guests pass a wrapped gift around based on the words on this printable rhyme. I’ve done this at Christmas as my lucky last line gift exchange, and it’s always hilarious and a big hit!
Baby Shower Name that Tune – Split into teams and play a playlist of songs that have the word baby in them. First person to guess the song wins points for their team! Get a full playlist of over 50 songs with baby in the title here.
American and British Baby Word Matching – Can your guests figure out how Americans and Brits say a specific baby word?
If you’re having a combined baby shower/gender reveal, these gender reveal party games are great options as well!
He Said She Said – Ask the mother and father to be questions about themselves, their thoughts on the baby, or whatever and have guests guess who said what. You can buy lips and mustaches here to add to the fun!
Passive Baby Shower Games
Baby Book Alternative Titles Game – Print out this free printable game sheet of alternative titles to popular children’s books (like Unsightly Aquatic Bird for The Ugly Duckling) and have guests try to figure out what they are during the shower.
Baby Face – Print out pictures of the mom and dad and cut into strips. Guests have to combine photo strips to create a baby face. As someone who has done one of those baby generators where it uses your spouse and your photo, I can only imagine how hilarious this would be!
My Water Broke – Freeze these plastic babies in ice cubes and first person to have their “water break” wins. More details and prize ideas here.
Who’s Watching the Baby? – This one is similar to the don’t say baby game above but instead of not saying baby, you have to watch your plastic baby at all times to make sure no one scoops it up.
If you need more hilarious baby shower games, don’t forget to check out the original 20 hilarious baby shower games!
Other Great Baby Shower Games
Pin the Pacifier
Baby Word Scramble
Baby Shower Bingo
The Price is Right Baby Shower Game
My Water Broke Baby Shower Game
Tummy Measure Game
Baby Shower Ball Toss
Who Knows Mommy Best Game
The Dirty Diaper
What’s In Your Diaper Bag?
Great Baby Shower Game Prize Ideas
Lip Balm in Matching Colors
Fancy Chocolate
MAC Oh Baby Lip Gloss
Gift Set of Baby Books (these are our favorite!)
Oh Boy Snacks
Fuzzy Socks (for chasing the kids around all day)
Sweet Baby Treat Box
Baby Bottle Filled with Treats
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