Over the past few weeks, I’ve shared some fun ideas for a spring themed baby shower including game ideas, decorations, and a simple DIY diaper cake. Today I’m going to round out the baby shower with the only thing left – baby shower gift ideas. After having had a baby and planning a million baby showers myself, I can tell you right now – these are the best baby shower gift ideas. Go with one of these and you won’t go wrong!

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Wouldn’t you love to be the person who gave the best gift at a baby shower? While everyone else is bringing clothes, why not try out one of these more unique gift ideas; I would’ve loved to receive one of these gifts instead of another onesie or blanket.
Most of these make it on my baby registry must-haves too!
Awesome Baby Shower Gift Ideas
1 – A cool-mist humidifier
This is the perfect gift that mom doesn’t even know she needs until her baby has a cold and can’t breathe in the middle of the night. We bought this cute Crane one a couple of months after K was born. Not only does it match his elephant nursery, it works great. I couldn’t imagine going through the winter without one!
2 – A Baby Carrier
This one is kind of tricky to buy for a baby shower because everyone is a little different in their preference of whether they want a wrap or structured carrier. However, if your mom-to-be registers for one, buy it! I did a ton of research before picking out our Catbird Pikkolo, and we love it. I’ve also heard great things about the Ergo carriers.
Image provided by Catbird |
3 – Swaddlers
Some babies love to be swaddled. You can swaddle either using a swaddling blanket or they actually make swaddles now that have velcro arms to help keep baby from breaking out in the middle of the night. The two I’ve heard most highly recommended are Aden & Anais swaddle blankets and if you’d rather go the velcro route, HALO Sleep Sack Swaddles. We used both, transitioning to the Sleep Sack Swaddles once my little Houdini broke out of the swaddling blankets too many nights in a row.
4 – Aden & Anais Burpy Bibs
I’ve never tried these out myself but how can you go wrong with something that is both a burp cloth and bib in one? Instead of giving mom a pack of burp cloths or bibs, give her some of these and save her a load of laundry or two.
5 – Books, Books, and More Books
I swear you can never have too many books and luckily babies love books from almost day one. Pick out some of your childhood favorites to give to the mom-to-be. We love the classics like Goodnight Moon and The Hungry Caterpillar as well as pretty much everything by Dr. Seuss or Sandra Boynton. Need some suggestions? I’ve included 10 of our favorites below AND written an entire post about the best books for baby shower gifts with tons of suggestions. Click on the image below to see the full list of book ideas.
- Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton
- Fish Kisses by Marianne Richmond (fun interactive book)
- Are You My Mother by P.D. Eastman
- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. (good for practicing letters)
- The Book with No Pictures by B.J. Novak (aka Ryan from The Office)
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See by Bill Martin Jr. (good for practicing colors and animals)
- Horns to Toes and In Between by Sandra Boynton (great for practicing body parts)
- The Mitten by Jan Brett
- The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper
- Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertle
6 – Happiest Baby on the Block Materials
The Happiest Baby on the Block book was one of the most helpful ones I read while I was pregnant and now you can buy not only the book but also the DVD (to show swaddling techniques) and a sleep sound CD to help the mom-to-be get a few more hours of sleep. And anyone who has had a child knows more sleep is the gift that moms really want.
In addition to these great gift ideas from Dr. Karp, here are some of my favorite gift ideas from my own personal experience. You can also find a lot of these in my list of 10 essential new mom items you probably didn’t think of.
7 – Mommy Hook
This is one of the few baby shower items that I use on a daily basis, and it’s something I never even knew existed. I know most strollers have a storage area underneath the cart but it’s so much nicer to have your bag hanging where you can get it rather than having to dig into the storage area to find your wallet, cell phone, etc.
8 – A Nursing Pillow
Okay, I know what you’re thinking – what if they aren’t nursing? The beauty of this gift is that it’s perfect for nursing but it’s also perfect for so many other things. I have a Boppy, My Brest Friend, and Mombo and use all three. I’m a huge fan of the My Brest Friend when you’re actually nursing but the Mombo is my favorite for baby tummy time, feeding a baby a bottle, flying with a baby, or just snuggle time. Either one would make a great gift.
Image courtesy of Comfort & Harmony |
9 – A Basket of Service
When K was born I was lucky enough to have my mom and husband around for a couple of weeks to help so I didn’t have to deal with cooking and cleaning on top of recovering. Rather than buying the mom-to-be a traditional gift, what about giving her a basket full of small dollar store items that have coupons attached for an act of service from you. So for instance, a kitchen towel with a coupon that says, “One dinner from me to you,” or an eye mask that says, “One hour of rest while I take care of the baby,” or a planner with dates filled in and coupon that says, “I’m yours for whatever you need on these days.” Make sure that the mom-to-be you’re giving this to is someone that will actually use it and then follow-up once she has the baby to lighten her load even for just an hour or two.
10 – A Big Ticket Item from Her Registry
There are items all moms register for that they know they’ll probably end up buying themselves because they are just too expensive for a baby shower gift. Rather than buying a small gift, talk to other guests at the shower and pool your money to buy her one of the big ticket items from her registry that you know she’ll have to buy eventually. Things like her crib, a crib mattress, carseat, video monitor, etc. come to mind. She’ll appreciate that so much more than getting five cute outfits or blankets.
What is your go-to gift for new moms?
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