Use this Christ’s atonement lesson idea and the Christ Aid kit handouts to help teach youth about the power of the atonement and how Christ can help us in a spiritual emergency! Perfect for any time you want to teach about Christ, the atonement, or for Easter Sunday!
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Atonement Lesson Idea
I used this lesson a few years ago when I taught the 12-13 year old young women at church. I’ve taught them about treating your body like a temple, following the prophets, the power of prayer, and more!
This lesson idea would be great for the Come Follow Me lesson for May 10 – what does the savior’s atonement mean to me.
It’d also be great for Easter, Christmas, or any other time you want to teach kids or youth about Christ or the atonement. Really any time you want a Christ centered activity.
The Christ Aid kit handouts were a huge hit with the girls, and I’m sure would be with youth or kids of any age!
For our lesson, I brought in a bag full of items you would typically find in a first aid kit along with a couple of other fun items like the Baymax stuffed animal I used for my Big Hero 6 party.
During the lesson, I had the young women each pick out something from the bag and tell the class how it could relate to how Christ’s atonement can help us during trials.
I had quotes and stories to go along with each of the items that I pulled from the Come Follow Me lesson. And the girls came up with some things that I never would’ve thought of. That’s one of my favorite things about teaching the young women, I learn from them every single time and this lesson was no different.
Christ Aid Kit Atonement Handouts
I gave the girls these Christ Aid Kits as a way to remind them that just like a first aid kit can help you when you’re in physical pain or have a physical ailment, Christ can help us when we have a spiritual one.
These are some of the items that I put into the kit but you could easily include anything that fits. I recommend looking up the names of Christ in the scriptures and doing it based on that!
- EOS lip balm – to represent the balm of Gilead
- Up & Up (Target brand) hand sanitizer – to represent Christ lifting us up and making us clean
- Gummy Bears – to represent Christ bearing our burdens
- Reese’s pieces – gives us peace and comfort
- Striped candy (like Zebra striped gum) – heals us with His stripes
Some more ideas that would work well in these Christ Aid kits:
- Homemade banana bread – talk about how Christ is the bread of life
- Candy rings – talk about how Christ represents the bridegroom
- Wool socks – Christ is the good shepherd
- Rock candy – Christ can be our rock during trials, He’s the rock we should build our testimonies upon
- Mini flashlight – Christ is the light and can help light the way when things seem dark
How to Make the Christ Aid Kits
To make the kits, I fill up regular mouth half pint mason jars with the goodies then top the jars with the free printable labels below. You could always just print out the handouts and tie them to a regular bag or basket as well!
I just printed them on regular white paper but you can use white card stock if you prefer something more stiff.
Download the Free Printables
If you’re ready to download the free printables to use this idea, simply click the button below or click here.
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