Easter Games
Easter is one of our favorite times of year because it’s not just a day, it’s a season! While we know the Easter egg hunts and Easter games are not the true reason for the season, that doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun doing them!
Whether your family’s tradition includes dying Easter eggs, hiding Easter baskets, or just spending time with family and friends – we have the perfect ideas to add to this year’s traditions!
Viral Easter Games
These Easter games have gone absolutely viral over the past few years for good reason – they’re fun, hilarious, and perfect for the entire family!
Easter Egg Hunts
We’ve been creating brand new Easter egg hunts every year for the past 12 years! All of these have been tested and done with kids, teens, and even adults! There’s really something for everyone!
Easter Scavenger Hunt
This may be our most popular Easter idea ever. Kids and teens both love following this huge collection of Easter scavenger hunt clues to find eggs or Easter baskets on Easter morning!
Easter Games for Families
Don’t stop at just the Easter egg hunt, these games are perfect for families of all ages and sizes! They’ve been all tested by my family and are absolutely hilarious!