This fun Christmas price is right gift game will have people trying to guess the price of Christmas items to win first choice at gifts or cash! It’s a hilarious Christmas game that you can either use as part of a gift exchange, as just another Christmas party game, or as a fun way to give out prizes or gifts to people at a Christmas party!

Price is Right Christmas Game
Price is Right is one of the longest running game shows for a reason – the games are simple, relatable, and fun! Guessing the prices of items sure seems a lot earlier than answering Jeopardy questions or even completing minute to win it games!
I made a Thanksgiving price is right game earlier this year and thought it’d be fun to create a Christmas price is right game that you can use as part of a gift exchange or as another really fun Christmas party game! We tried it out with my family and everyone loved it, especially the winners!
There are two different ways you can play this Christmas price is right game, and I’ve included both variations below. One is more interactive with actual cash and prizes and the other is a printable Christmas game where one person wins a prize at the end. Choose the one you want – they’re both a lot of fun!
Why You’ll Love This Game
- Surprisingly difficult – while people may think they know how expensive things are, they’re likely going to be totally wrong and that’s a hilarious thing for everyone involved!
- Game show inspired – everyone has seen The Price is Right so being able to play game inspired by that will be nostalgic for guests! If you like game shows, our Christmas family feud and Christmas floor game are both fun too!
- Two variations – choose the printable version of the game or the more interactive one depending on your group, both are great!
You don’t need too much for this game but what you get is important because it’s the main part of the game!
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 20 $1 bills per person – I like doing this with real money for reasons I’ll explain below but if you’d prefer to skip the money part, you can also use play money like this and each bill is equal to $1.
- Christmas items – you’ll need to purchase 10 different Christmas items that are priced between $1-$10 and things that people are familiar with. There are more details on this under the setup section below.
- Gifts or prizes – you’ll need one per person if you’re doing the gift variation of this game mentioned below or one prize for the entire game if you’re doing just a normal prize variation. I have a bunch of Christmas prizes here if you need ideas!
- Printable game (optional) – if you’re doing the printable version of this game, you can get the free download at the bottom of this post or in my shop here.
How to Setup this price is right game
The setup for this game is a cinch, which is why it’s perfect for Christmas because you’re probably going to want to spend more time setting up decorations matching your Christmas party theme than setting up Christmas games.
1 – Buy Your Items
I mentioned this before but the most important part of this game is purchasing the items that people will be trying to price out. You can either buy actual items or just find things around your house and price them out – but make sure you’re doing today’s prices, not what you originally paid for them!
You’ll need eleven total Christmas items that are all priced between $1 and $10. Use rounding rules to round anything to the closest whole dollar – no one wants to deal with decimals here!
So for example if something is $7.69, round up to $8. If something is $7.29, round down to $7. The only exception to this is the tie breaker item (the 11th item) – you’ll want to write down the exact price of that item because people are trying to get the closest!
Here are my recommendations for picking your items:
- Buy them all at the same place, ideally a place that everywhere attending shops regularly or has shopped. I bought everything at Walmart. Target would be a good option too.
- Buy a variety of prices – you don’t have to do one $1, one $2, one $3, etc. but I recommend making sure you have lower priced items, mid-priced items, and higher priced items.
- Buy things people won’t be able to guess the prices – this game is the most fun when you buy a variety of items. Don’t buy all ornaments – try things like boxes of lights, Christmas blankets, Christmas decorations, and more. If you really need help choosing items, use the printable in this post and just grab one of the items for each of the categories!
- Buy things you can use afterwards – you could also just donate the items after if you’d prefer, but I bought all things I actually wanted for my Christmas festivities.
- Make sure people know it’s the pre-tax price!
How to Play Christmas price is right
There are three variations of this game that you can play – a gift variation, a play money variation, and a printable version. The base game is the same but the way they’re played is different, and I’ve included all three of them below.
Christmas Price is Right Gift Variation
This variation of the game is simple, but it’s important that everyone understands how to play before you get started so that they don’t accidentally guess something that will have them losing all of their money without realizing it!
Start by putting one unwrapped gift per person on a table at the front of the room so everyone can see them. You can get these gifts in a number of ways:
- Have everyone bring an unwrapped gift that wants to participate and do this instead of a gift exchange. Gifts are still being exchanged, just in a different way than your traditional gift exchange games. If this is the case, give everyone a budget and maybe even one of these gift exchange themes so the gifts are all about the same value.
- The host provides all of the cash and gifts. If this is the case, I recommend providing gifts of all sorts of value. I did this for our game and had everything from a spa gift card all the way down to a bag of gourmet snacks. I understand this is not for everyone, but I also know that a lot of people actually like to do host provided Christmas prize games (like the saran wrap game or Christmas punch game), so choose this option if it works for you.
- Everyone chips in for gifts. Have everyone Venmo the host a certain dollar amount (kind of like a bunco group or girls night group) and have the host buy the gifts but everyone chip in for them!
Place all of the items you purchased in a non-transparent box or bag at the front of the room (so no one can see them).
Have everyone sit somewhere they can see the table in the front and give each person 20 $1 bills (or just 20 bills if you’re using play money). Explain the game to everyone, then you’re ready to play!
Here’s how the actual game works.
- Pull an item out of the bag, show it to the group, and describe it to everyone in as much detail as you want.
- Give everyone 10 seconds to think about their answer, but not too long or the game will last forever.
- Count to three and on three everyone has to hold out fingers indicating how much they think the item costs. (Make sure they know it’s a whole number they’re guessing). No changing when they see other guesses!
- Reveal the actual price of the item. Anyone who did not get it exactly right has to pay you the difference between the actual price and the price they guessed. For example if the price was actually $2 and they guessed $4, they would give you two of their bills.
- Repeat this same process until you’ve gone through all ten of the items, guessing and taking money away from people who guess incorrectly.
- After you’ve gone through all ten items, the person who has the most money left wins the chance to pick out their gift first. They can trade the money they have left for one of the gifts on the table OR they can just keep the money they have if they don’t want one of the gifts.
- Go to the person who has the next highest amount of money and they can choose the same. Keep going until everyone has had a chance to either choose a gift or keep their money.
- Any gifts left on the table at the end of the game (if people chose to keep their money instead) go to being either hostess gifts or can be used as prizes for other Christmas trivia games or Christmas bingo!
What if there’s a tie?
If there’s a tie for who has the most money left, have the people in the tie play a 2 out of 3 game of rock paper scissors for the rights to the next pick!
Video Showing How to Play
If you’re more of a visual person, you can watch the video below to see this game in action!
Christmas Price is Right Play Money Variation
This variation of the game is pretty much the same as the one above except for the gifts portion – you’re still playing with bills of some sort and trying to hang onto your money to win!
The only variation of this game is that you’re not going to be playing for gifts, there will just be one winner – the person with the most money left at the end of the game!
- Pull an item out of the bag, show it to the group, and describe it to everyone in as much detail as you want.
- Give everyone 10 seconds to think about their answer, but not too long or the game will last forever.
- Count to three and on three everyone has to hold out fingers indicating how much they think the item costs.
- Reveal the actual price of the item. Anyone who did not get it exactly right has to pay you the difference between the actual price and the price they guessed. For example if the price was actually $2 and they guessed $4, they would give you two of their bills.
- Repeat this same process until you’ve gone through all ten of the items, guessing and taking money away from people who guess incorrectly.
- After all ten items, whoever has the most money leftover wins a prize!
What if there’s a tie?
In this variation (and the one below), if there’s a tie have the people in the tie guess the exact price of one final item and whoever is the closest to the actual price wins.
Christmas Price is Right Printable Variation
This variation of the game is very similar to the one above but instead of giving people bills to guess with, you’re going to give them a printable sheet and a pen to write down their answers. There are three designs you can download at the bottom of this post or buy it in my shop here.
Once everyone has a printable and pen, here’s how to play!
- Pull an item out of the bag, show it to the group, and describe it to everyone in as much detail as you want.
- Give everyone 10 seconds to think about their answer, but not too long or the game will last forever.
- Have everyone write down their answer on the right line item on their printable price is right game. Stick with round numbers still!
- Once everyone is done, tell them the correct price and people write down the difference between their answer and the correct one on their printable game.
- Everyone adds up their differences and whoever has the smallest total number (the closest to the total price of all the items) wins. If there’s a tie, see the “what if there’s a tie” note in the variation above!
Game fAQs
How do you make this a gift exchange?
This game can be used as a fun way to swap gifts in a way that’s different than a traditional gift exchange! Have everyone bring an unwrapped gift and put them on a table. Play the game and the person who wins gets to choose their gift first, the next person chooses their gift next, and so on. It’s a way to swap gifts where everyone actually gets to choose something they want instead of ending up with random gifts (like you would in a right left gift exchange). I recommend everyone bringing real gifts instead of white elephant gifts for this particular game.
Do I need to use real money?
The only variation of this game that requires you to use real money is the one where people can choose to trade their money for a gift or to keep the cash. There are tons of other ways that you can play that you can use play money from any of your favorite board games or just use the printable version!
What items am I supposed to buy?
This is totally up to you – as long as they are Christmas themed items between $1 and $10, they’re fair game. If you really want specific instructions what to buy, you can buy one item from each of these categories (the ones I included in my printable game) – ornament, stocking, candy, lights, wrapping, nativity, treats, sweater, wreath, and nutcracker!
What is the 11th gift for?
You’ll only need the 11th gift if you end up with people in a tie, which does happen sometimes, especially if you have a larger group!
More Fun Christmas Games
If you like this Christmas price is right game, try one of these other game show inspired Christmas games next!
- The Brick gift exchange – this risk and reward game has elements of Whammy and other press your luck style games!
- Let’s Make a Deal – this fun Christmas game will have people choosing whether to take the deal or choose something else!
- Christmas name that tune – a Christmas version of my favorite name that tune game! Or try our Christmas music bingo game if you want something else musical!
- Christmas charades – a holiday version of one of the most classic party games ever!
- Christmas outburst – this one feels just like a game show, maybe because it’s inspired by the classic board game!
want more fun Christmas Games?
Download the Printable Price is Right Game
Enter your first name and email address in the form below to get the printable free download PDF. You will receive a link to download the PDF to your email within minutes. Print out and you’re on your way to playing!
If you’d prefer to not provide your email address, you can get a copy in my shop here.
If you do not see the form, click here to get to it.
If you do not see the email with the printable design templates immediately after you fill out the form, make sure to check your promotions, spam, and junk folders!
The file will include:
- Three different designs of the price is right Christmas printable game (each one is a half-sheet design)
- Use policy – all files are for personal use only
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