This fun texting based Easter egg hunt is a really fun option if you’re looking for Easter egg hunt ideas for teens! It’s like a scavenger hunt but using teens favorite thing – texting – instead of just normal clues!

Anyone who has teens knows that they live on their phones these days. They’d rather text than call or talk to people in person.
So I thought it would be fun, with the help of my sister-in-law who has three teens herself, to come up with a creative Easter egg scavenger hunt for teens using texting.
The way this fun Easter egg hunt idea is traditionally setup you’ll need two families with teens that will be working together in their own separate houses.
If you don’t have that or can’t make that happen, you can still use the Easter scavenger hunt clues for teens that are available for download at the bottom of this post. And I included some info at the bottom of this post for doing this as a one family-hunt instead of a partner hunt.
Don’t have teens? This works with pretty much any age, you may just have to help them figure out some of the clues!
How Does This Scavenger Hunt Work?
I mentioned this already but this a teen texting based scavenger hunt uses two families with teens who will be working together to find hidden Easter eggs.
The basic idea is that one set of teens (we’ll call them the Smith teens) will be finding eggs that have clues that lead to eggs in the home of the second set of teens (we’ll call them the Jones teens).
The Smith and Jones’ teens will have to work together to find all of their hidden eggs by texting clues back and forth to one another as they find their eggs.
I’m all about doing unique Easter egg hunts, and this is just another fun idea for mixing things up on Easter Sunday (or whatever day the Easter bunny might come to your house).
Teen Easter Scavenger Hunt Setup
You will have two sets of eggs with clues inside – one for the Smith house and one for the Jones house. The clues that go inside the eggs at the Smith house will actually be clues that lead to egg locations in the Jones house (I hope that makes sense).
So the setup is a little more complicated than say a traditional Easter scavenger hunt, but it’s all part of the fun!
- Print out the clues and split them in half – one for the Jones house and one for the Smith house.
- Take a picture (or just download it to your phone) of the clues for each of the houses so you can remember where you need to hide eggs. The clues that are hidden at the Jones’ house will be the locations of where the eggs are hidden at the Smith house.
- Cut each of the clues out and place all of the clues in individual plastic eggs except the starter clue for both houses. Also, unlike normal Easter egg scavenger hunt clues, the clues won’t need to go in any certain order so don’t worry about keeping them in order, just keeping them separated by house.
- Hide the eggs (with the clues inside) at each house, making sure to hide them in the locations that the clues in the eggs at the other house lead. So for example, if the clues in the eggs hidden at the Smith’s house lead to the oven, the backdoor, and the washing machine – the eggs at the Jones house will be hidden in the oven, at the backdoor, and in the washing machine.
Once all of the eggs are hidden, the Easter egg scavenger hunt for teens is setup and ready to go. I recommend you do this while the teens aren’t home, so they don’t start scoping out egg locations before you’re even done hunting!
You can add in money, gift cards, little prizes, their favorite things, or Easter candy to the colorful eggs along with the clues for the teens to find as they find eggs! Or you can just give them the clues and have them turn in all of the eggs at the end for something larger!
How to Do this Easter Scavenger Hunt for Teens
Alright, now comes the fun part and why this is such a great idea. When both groups of teens (the Jones and the Smiths) are ready, give the starter clue to the first group of teens (in our example – the Smith teens).
The Smith teens then have to text the Jones teens what the starter clue is – they can send a picture, can send the actual clue, or they can even send what they think the actual location is. The goal is just to help the Jones teens finds their first egg.
Once they’ve sent the text, the Jones teens uses the texted clue to find their first egg. Once they open the egg, they have to then turn around and text the Smith teens the next clue or whatever information they want to help the Smith teens find their first egg.
The goal is to make the clues difficult enough that the teen reading the clue out of the egg won’t immediately be able to figure out where the egg is (unless of course they’re so familiar with their friends’ house that they know) and actually has to text the clue or hints of the clue to the other half.
Keep going – searching for eggs with clues, texting clues, and so on – until all of the eggs have been found.
Once all clues have been found, the teens in both groups can either keep all of the surprises that you hid in their eggs or they can turn their eggs in (if you didn’t do treats inside) for a larger prize or Easter basket.
How to Do This Easter Hunt for Teens with One Family
If you want to do this without the texting back and forth aspect, then that’s easy enough.
Instead of hiding clues and eggs in two different houses, you just need to hide the clues and eggs in your house. The only complicated part of it is that you need to make sure to hide the eggs in the location that is in the clue before that egg, not in the location that’s talked about in the clue in that egg.
That sounds really confusing, but it’s not.
Here’s an example. If you’re hiding the egg with the clue that leads to the shoe basket, don’t hide that egg in the shoe basket. Instead hide an egg in the shoe basket that leads somewhere else, like the one leading to the dining table.
You’ll need to create an order for the clues from the list provided and then hide them in order. Since you’re hiding all of the eggs and not just half of them, it just works a bit different but is still a ton of fun!
Easter Egg Hunt Clues for Teens
I came up with a list 26 different Easter egg hunt clues for teens, including the starting clue. This breaks down to 13 per group or if you want to skip the texting back and forth portion, you can just use all 26 for your own teens.
A couple of notes on these clues because they’re a little different from my normal Easter scavenger hunt clues.
1 – They aren’t in any particular order.
While the hunt will probably go in a certain order, there’s no real order for the clues. That means that you can take out some that don’t make sense for your family and it won’t interrupt the scavenger hunt.
It also means you need to keep in mind how many eggs you hide for each group of teens so you know when the hunt is over – there’s no “ending” clue.
2 – The clues are trickier.
This Easter egg hunt is for teens – not kids – so I made the clues trickier than my normal clues. I also made them a little more broad so you can still have fun hiding the Easter eggs for the teens to hide.
For example, one of the clues leads to the teen’s bedroom. It’s up to you how easy or difficult you want to hide the egg in the bedroom, but I specifically didn’t say something like look under your pillow, to make it at least somewhat of a challenge.
Here are some easier scavenger hunt ideas if you want to skip the challenge.
Also, some of the clues will make your teens think because I left blanks in the clues that they have to figure out. They should be pretty easy to figure out, but it still makes them trickier.
3 – The clues are general but you can personalize the locations.
There are a handful of clues that include things like “your favorite location, your favorite hobby, etc.” Personalize those to the teens who are participating and make it make sense for your group. I left it generic to make these clues and this Easter egg hunt for teens more universal but you can personalize it however you want.
These are teens – don’t hide eggs in plain sight! Make the hiding places a little more challenging than you would if you were doing this for younger kids. It’s all part of the fun experience – actually having to look for the next egg, not just walking up and seeing it. During my teen years, my parents were crazy egg hiders – it was one of my favorite Easter traditions to have to really hunt for eggs!
4 – They’re not pretty.
Unlike most of my scavenger hunts that are colorful and pretty, I went with very basic on these because they are teens and honestly care more about what goes in the eggs than what the egg clue looks like. Also, saving you on ink!
Fun Variations & Tips for this Easter Egg Hunt
There are a few fun things you can do to really take this Easter egg hunt to the next level!
Hide a golden egg somewhere on the hunt for each teen in the group, that’s separate from the regular eggs with clues inside. Hide them around the clue eggs so they’re not hunting completely different places for them, but it’s like a little bonus egg for each person. Fill the golden egg with some really fun prize or cash! You could also just do a golden ticket instead.
Fill plastic Easter eggs with rewards along with the clues that they can turn in for things like a sleepover with friends, staying up late, etc. We do this with our kids, and they love it!
Break up a puzzle and put puzzle pieces inside the eggs with the clues. As they find their eggs, they can add puzzle pieces to the puzzle. When the puzzle is done, their hunt is over, and they can turn the puzzle in for a grand prize!
Make teens call on the phone instead of texting a picture or the clue. I know teens love to text but forcing them to call is kind of a fun twist! It’s also a fun way to get the teens to communicate and connect with their friends or family members.
Skip the teens and do this with adults. Fill the eggs with things like lottery tickets, QR codes for prizes, cash, and gift cards. Split the group into two and make it the first person to find the egg gets to keep the egg and prizes inside! I know I’d love this adult Easter egg hunt idea!
Make it an indoor Easter egg hunt if it’s raining or poor weather. There are a couple of clues that lead people outside – just take them out if it’s going to be a pain to go outside.
Take away the basic text option. Instead of being able to text the actual clue or a photo of the clue, make teens think of creative ways to explain the clue to their partners. When forced to be creative, this age group can come up with plenty of ideas with their imagination!
Make it worth their while. If you’re going to make teens work for the eggs, put surprises (not just candy) inside. You’re likely only hiding 10-15 eggs per group of teens, so fill them with extra fun items!
More Easter Activities for Teens
If you need even more unique ideas for Easter for older kids and teens, these are some of our favorite Easter activities!
- Easter games – over twenty hilarious Easter games perfect for doing at the end of the hunt! These are always a good time! And a lot of the games need nothing but jelly beans!
- Easter egg hunt ideas – tons of other creative Easter egg hunt ideas including ones that work for adults, teens, and even kids! If this texting one won’t work for you, maybe one of these traditional Easter egg hunt ideas will!
- Easter bingo – who doesn’t love a good game of bingo with an Easter twist! Even better if you have a bigger prize that teens will actually enjoy wining!
- Egg games – grab some plastic eggs and you can have so much fun with these hilarious games! You don’t need even a number of eggs, just a few will work!
- Easter egg scavenger hunt – if you want to do something more along the lines of a find these types of eggs compared to finding hidden treasures, this one will have teens trying to be the first to find a list of eggs.
Download the Easter Egg Hunt Clues
Enter your first name and email address in the form below to get the printable PDF.
You will receive a link to download the PDF to your email within minutes.
If you do not see the form, click here to get to it.
If you do not see the email immediately after you fill out the form, make sure to check your promotions, spam, and junk folders!
As a reminder, the PDF will include:
- One starter clue
- 25 other clues leading to egg locations
- A list of egg locations broken out by groups (to make setup easier)
- Use policy – everything is for personal use only, no commercial use of my printables.
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