The best white elephant gifts for gift exchanges including ideas that are both useable and hilarious! Bring one of these to your next white elephant party or dirty Santa and guarantee they’ll be stolen all night long!
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I’ve yet to meet a single person who has never participated in some sort of holiday gift exchange and most of us have participated in quite a few. What nobody talks about is how difficult it is to pick out the perfect gift exchange gift, especially if it’s a white elephant exchange!
I’ve hosted and been to my fair share of Christmas parties and gift exchanges in the past and these ideas are inspired by some of the best gift ideas I’ve ever seen and heard about.
These are perfect if you’re looking for the best white elephant gift ideas or funny white elephant gifts – if you want actual gifts or a thoughtful gift idea for say a secret Santa, check out some of my gift guides instead! There’s everything from experience gifts to 12 days of Christmas gift ideas!
So grab a gift, wrap it up nice, and pretty – maybe even add one of these Christmas gift tags – and get ready to play!
What is a White Elephant Gift
Before we get into the gifts, let’s start with a quick clarification of what white elephant gifts actually are. I was talking to someone recently and realized that some people don’t know what a white elephant gift exchange actually is.
I mean, it’s possible there’s a totally different white elephant gift definition, but this is how I’ve always heard it.
A white elephant gift is a gag gig, something that’s designed to be funny and not taken seriously.
If you’re going to a white elephant gift exchange, the goal is to bring something that will make people laugh or will be something unique and funny. It’s a good thing if people are laughing when your gift gets opened!
I know some people tend to go on the more offensive route, but that’s not my thing so these gifts are funny without being offensive. There’s a little potty humor but always practical potty humor!
I also try to bring things that are funny but not something that will go in the trash as soon as everyone leaves. So no empty paper towel rolls or broken picture frames, but to each their own. I also like to follow whatever the gift exchange theme is (if there is one).
The Best Elephant Gifts
I purposely included white elephant gifts that would be funny but also things that people might actually keep, not just throw in the trash five minutes later. They’re perfect crowd pleasers for your next holiday party!
These are inspired by some of the best white elephant gift ideas I’ve seen in all the parties I’ve hosted, but there are plenty of others out there if you want to just use this as an inspiration spot!
I Adulted! Sticker Book
Adulting is hard, we can do whatever we want as long as we take care of everything first. These stickers are a classic way to reward yourself for doing daily adult things. Perfect gag gift for those newly adulting college students.
This is actually a super practical gift but hilarious to open. One of those things everyone owns but is such a taboo topic that it makes a great option for a gag gift. And the recipients won’t be complaining when they get this wrapped gift!
Funny things like this always get a good reaction from the group when in reality it’s just a gourmet treat wrapped up in a white elephant gift. You could even add it to some other sort of unicorn items for a full unicorn gift set!
It’s a cheese knife with a song lyric, perfect for getting some laughs and steals! If you know someone who really likes cheese or charcuterie boards, you could even do this with your secret santa gifts if you want!
This game is actually great, though the name is quite unique. Makes for a funny white elephant gift while actually being something people would want to steal, the best of both worlds. There are other variations like Unstable Unicorns as well that are fun too!
Another easy pickup that is both funny and desirable. Whoever gets this gift will get a laugh opening it and every time they play it. Plus who doesn’t want to play a game where it is actually encouraged to throw things? This might be a good one for coworkers!
Obviously, money is always a great white elephant gift, but no one wants to pass around a ten-dollar bill. This bar of soap is a hilarious way to give money. Plus maybe you can figure out how many washes it takes to get to the center of a duck soap. It’s even funnier when the first player to get it doesn’t realize it has money inside!
Another white elephant stable, socks, but with a comical twist. Grab a pair of these humorous socks and enjoy the laughs when it gets opened. Maybe stuff the socks with something to make them even more desirable. There are tons of other options as well like pizza socks or taco socks too!
Get a good laugh out of the group when they open this toilet tag game. Great for couples or could be funny to put in a guest bathroom to see who plays along. Either way, it will be something new that people would love to steal.
Forget the Yeti rambler and get something more creative for drinking instead! A moose mug is one of those things that no one would ever think to buy themselves but works perfectly as a white elephant gift. A completely random gift that is sure to make people smile. This would also be a great addition to a holiday mug exchange!
This is one of the best white elephant gift ideas around. People will want to steal this just to be sure they know what is inside. Don’t let anyone open the lid until the end of the game!
This thing is actually awesome, I love it in my house. But it’s one of those things that no one knows they need until they own it. Also, it’s just awkwardly funny to open up in front of a large group of people. They even have a foldable version you can buy on Amazon!
If your group isn’t fighting over who gets to brush their teeth to Bieber’s Baby, then I’d be shocked. It would easily make a normally boring daily task into a great one. This Justin Bieber singing toothbrush was a hit at last year’s heads or tails gift exchange!
The best part of a white elephant exchange game is getting to see what random things people can find to bring. These animal butt magnets are the perfect example of why this hilarious game is played so often. A random item that no one needs but is too funny not to bring.
If you have any pregnant ladies or pickle lovers in your group this yodeling pickle would be a great pickup. Get a big laugh while you listen to this pickle perform a perfect yodel. Everyone will love it.
Everyone has access to so many different workouts now with streaming, but they simply don’t make these videos like they used to. This classic is sure to be one of the favorites at any Yankee swap.
This is actually a great white elephant gift, no one would ever buy it for themselves but would be super handy. I hate grabbing something from my bag only to remember that I ambitiously packed a banana two days ago and now it’s only good for banana muffins.
If you’ve seen Schitt’s Creek, you’re probably already laughing just reading this towel. And I guarantee others will too because it’s one of the most hilarious scenes in the entire show. Not a Schitt’s Creek fan? Get something else with an iconic movie quote or scene on it.
One of the most popular books at one of our gift exchanges was the book All My Friends Are Dead. A little morbid but pretty hilarious. You can either get that book or something a little less morbid but still ridiculous like this one – plus party games!
If you have any Disney lovers I predict this one will be a hot item. Who doesn’t want to learn to make Parisian Disney food? I think the winner of the cookbook should have to host a special event with all the best Disneyland food!
If you follow the latest trends, you know how funny these giant food blankets are. It makes the perfect gag gift so I had to add it to the list. Who wouldn’t want to be tucked into a giant burrito blanket? This would be great for anyone playing with teenagers as well.
This is a great white elephant gift, it’s semi-practical yet absolutely ridiculous looking. Hope one of your family members ends up with it so you get to see it every time you visit and get a good chuckle. This is one of those uncommon goods that you’re actually going to want!
If you’ve got a dad in your group, you need to bring this game. Chock-full of puns, this game will be a hit with any group of jokesters. If you don’t want puns, you could try any of our favorite board games for adults too!
There are a ton of great Bluetooth speakers out there that you could bring, but none are as perfect as this acorn one. With so many hilarious gifts this one will really stand out as one of the best. Make it even better by putting it in an empty nut container and gifting it as an already-unwrapped gift. Perfect for playing all the best Christmas songs!
This nostalgic dino chicken nugget pillow is one of my favorite white elephant gift ideas. No better way to bring back a childhood memory than with a pillow that no one needs but secretly wants.
I promise this is going to be one of the top steal gifts. You’ll get a good laugh from whoever opens it, but there will be plenty of partners who will want this for their significant others this holiday season. This is one of those gifts you’ll see someone bring again next year.
This is the kitchen gadget no one really needs but exists anyway. Such an oddly shaped device that is sure to get a few chuckles on it own, but is perfect for cutting holes into hot dog buns so put hot dogs in!
One year, I had a friend who brought a fish to a Yankee swap and everyone thought it was hilarious. These Sea Monkeys take less work than a fish, yet are the same idea. Who knows, these little sea monkeys may become your new best friends. And the kit comes with everything you need!
Who wouldn’t laugh every time they went to grab their stress ball only to remember it is a pink unicorn? A funny gag gift that keeps the winner laughing each time they got to use it is always a good idea. It also makes one of the best unicorn party ideas! You’ll steal this just watching the previous player squeeze it!
This LED toilet light is not only fun but will be sought after too. After all, no one wants to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, turn on the bathroom light end up being awake for the next hour because they had to turn the light on.
One of the more unique gifts on this list, this Weird Al chia pet is sure to get quite a few laughs. This a fun way to gift a plant at your holiday party this year, plus with the new Weird Al moving coming out this year, this one is a great fit!
This great gift brings back childhood memories and nostalgia, or nightmares if you killed yours. Perfect for college students who are looking for a bit more responsibilities or adults who are looking to add more to their plates.
With so many diehard Star Wars lovers out there, this is bound to be a big hit. Eating with chopsticks is fun, but lightsaber chopsticks is even better! Such a fun way to get a silly gift that people will love. These would also make one of the best Star Wars gifts!
Another kitchen gadget that no one needs but secretly wants. I know I have half-eaten granola bars and snack bags all the time with my kids. Bag clips are great but being able to seal back up the half eaten bag of popcorn or apple chips would be a game-changer.
This is one of my favorites because it is just random. You know you’ve always wanted to buy yourself a giant squishmallow from Costco, now is your chance. I especially love how unique this duck one is.
This adult coloring book is less relaxing and more comical. Who doesn’t love coloring in a giant belly after all? You’ll get a big laugh out of everyone when they open this one.
This oddly practical car sauce holder is sure to get some laughs out of everyone. This is one of those things that you never knew you needed but won’t regret having. I just bought myself one to eat with my chick fil a minis!
Enjoy watching people subtly envy whoever ends up with this desktop bowling set. Despite it’s many tiny pieces, this game is oddly relaxing to play when you need a mind break.
Another comically practical gift that people will be genuinely happy to get after the initial comedy of opening it. This silly crab is the perfect cooking companion, holding spoons and pot lids while you do the cooking.
We all need a little more positivity in our day and this button is an easy, in-your-face solution. Just picture your grumpy old grandpa ending up with this inspirational button.
This is one of those safe gifts that everyone will get a chuckle out of and won’t mind ending up with. Besides, who wouldn’t want to watch their pizza disappear as they wait hungrily for their food to be ready?
This magically delicious gift is the perfect thing to bring. Not only is it comical to get a pound of dehydrated marshmallows but everyone genuinely enjoys them. If they don’t get eaten by the end of the night use them to make these tasty lucky charm cookies.
The initial reaction to opening this as an adult is priceless. But you’ll be shocked by how many grown men will be going after this for their daughters. It’s the perfect silly but desirable gift.
While this is comical to open, I almost guarantee it is going to be a popular item. Who wouldn’t want to lay around the house completely engulfed in a cozy shark blanket?
This is a gift that keeps on giving. Get a good laugh when you open it then again each time you wash your face only to look in the mirror and see your snail friend looking back.
You can’t help but laugh at this talking and dancing cactus. This funny cacti repeats back words and does a fun light up dance that everyone will enjoy.
There’s nothing cuter than a couple of sea otters snuggling. Except maybe when they are snuggling on a pair of adult feet in the middle of a cold winter. These goofy slippers make for the perfect gag gift this holiday season.
These are bound to get a few good laughs when opened, then again throughout the night as this eerie finger puppet sneaks up on people. Another great gift choice that is bound to keep people laughing.
This is mainly funny due to how useful it actually is. Any couple knows that the hardest decision to make is where to eat. Eliminate the bickering with this clever die that people will be fighting over until the end of the game. This is also one of my favorite foodie gifts!
This really should be the only pizza cutter made from now on, especially since TMNT has made such a comeback in the last few years. Not only is this gift funny but its awesome too.
Nothing is more inspiring than a hand-knit potato giving positive affirmations. This surprisingly cute potato is entirely unpractical but a great desk ornament that people will get a good laugh at.
These fuzzy hand towels are a great gag gift that people won’t know what to do with. These towels are so oddly shaped that people will be shocked when they become their favorite hand towels to use.
Adulting is hard work and throwing a fully-blown tantrum is not always an option when something doesn’t go your way. These paper tantrum cards are the perfect choice to scribble out those furious feelings in an age-appropriate manner. It’s also funny to open because of how useful it is.
With various phrases to display moods on your desk, this desk sign makes a great white elephant gift. Perfect for anyone regardless of whether it going on a desk or kitchen counter.
Giving gloves during the cold holiday season is always a safe bet. Even better if those gloves are little hedgehogs that completely cover your hand. Perfect practical but funny gift.
If you need some ideas for how to do a white elephant gift exchange and not just funny gag gifts to take to one, these are some of our personal favorites that would work well with funny gifts!
A white elephant is typically a gift exchange that uses funny or gag gifts. Try to pick something that’ll make people laugh but also something that people can actually use like Poo-Pourri, a funny coloring book, or an unneeded but still useful kitchen appliance.
Also, make sure that the host is expecting you to bring an actual white elephant gift (aka gag gift) and not looking for real gifts. Some people don’t realize white elephant is traditionally funny gifts and you don’t want to show up with a game of toilet tag when others brought gift cards and iPods.
How much should you spend on a white elephant gift?
Spend close to whatever the budget is set for by the person hosting the white elephant gift exchange. If the budget is $20, stick to the $15-$25 range. You don’t want to be the person who spends way under or way over. There’s a budget for a reason.
What is the best white elephant gift you have ever received?
The best white elephant gift I’ve ever received was a toilet time gift basket with toilet books, a squatty potty, and a travel sized potpourri. It was funny and we still use it to this day!
What was the best white elephant gift you’ve ever seen?
The best white elephant gift I’ve seen was a singing fish that you hang on your wall. It was not only a hilarious gift, but it turned into a tradition for the person who ended up with the gift to hang it up for the year then bring it back the next year. Everyone was constantly trying to be the one who ended up with the singing fish!
More Christmas Gift Ideas
If you need help finding other Christmas gifts, I’ve got plenty of ideas for those as well!
Gifts for foodies – if you know a foodie, they’ll want something from this list!
Gifts for entertainers – know a hostess with the mostest? Get them something from this list!
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Gifts that we’ve gotten and loved are electric wine opener and plastic rakes that fit on your hands to scoop up leaves/grass. I saw this year a cool gift which is small light on fingerless gloves that allow you to hold something and work on it without holding a flashlight.
What great gift ideas, Britni! I especially LOL’d at that Nicholas Cage pillow case. I actually saw that on Amazon while Christmas shopping last year. Whoever thought of that is a genius. It’s a classic. Hahaha!
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