Whether you’re a huge Star Wars nerd or just getting into the out of the galaxy films, these Star Wars trivia questions are for you! There are options for kids, Star Wars beginners, and even questions that most Star Wars fans may not know! Print out cards for a Star Wars trivia night with friends or just challenge yourself!

With Star Wars day (May the Fourth) right around the corner, I thought it would be fun to share some Star Wars Day activities that take no prep and work for both kids and adults!
You all know my family loves Star Wars. I mean we’ve played about a million Star Wars games like Star Wars would you rather and even done a Star Wars scavenger hunt.
And we can’t forget the time we did a little jedi training for my son’s Disney themed birthday party!
And right now’s Star Wars excitement – picking out costumes for our Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser adventure next month for our own Star Wars story, it’s going to be out of this world!
So putting together these easy Star Wars trivia questions was mostly a piece of cake, well except coming up with the more challenging questions. If I knew it off the top of my head, it probably wasn’t challenging enough!
And for those, I had a little help from my dad who is not only a big Star Wars fan but a trivia buff as well!
What Kind of Star Wars Trivia
These Star Wars trivia questions are mostly based on the Star Wars movies because there are a finite amount of those unlike the TV shows and video games that have seemingly endless possibilities.
So there aren’t a ton of questions about Clone Wars characters or everyone’s favorite Bounty Hunter, but you might see an appearance from everyone’s favorite character, Grogu!
But don’t worry, that means plenty of Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and even Jar Jar Binks from the original Star Wars trilogy plus Kylo Ren, Rey, and BB-8 from the not so original trilogy movies as recent as The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker!
And the Star Wars Holiday Special won’t get a mention – sorry!
Oh and you also won’t see any super obvious questions like who was the creator of Star Wars or who plays Han Solo (hello Harrison Ford) – those are give me questions I assume everyone knows the answer to! If you have any Star Wars knowledge, you probably know those answers!
Star Wars Trivia Games
Just like with all of my other trivia games, I made a set of trivia cards and a full-page trivia quiz (if you wanted to do this with a big group for instance).
Star Wars Trivia Quiz
If you’re doing the game itself, I recommend printing out one copy for each player
And really there are three sets of trivia cards and two different full-page trivia sheets. So really there are three sets of trivia questions – that should be plenty to get you through a Star Wars trivia night with friends or your family!
These would also be great for a virtual game night if people are still doing those!
Star Wars Trivia Cards
There are so many different ways you can use these trivia cards. You can put them on tables around the room and let people ask each other questions about the Millennium Falcon.
Or ask a question (how about who was Leia’s mother) to an entire group and the first person to answer correctly gets a prize. Or a point and total points wins.
Or you could use them for a team trivia activity. Split into teams, pick a card, and ask each team a card. The team with the most total points after all the trivia cards wins.
Each of the cards has the answer right on it so you can really use it however you want!
Just remember red is kid-friendly, purple is easy, and blue is more challenging. I recommend picking questions based on your audience. It never hurts to just mix up all of them so you can make the non Star Wars fans feel good when they know who Luke Skywalker’s father is or what major role James Earl Jones played in the movie.
Not everyone has to know the more challenging questions like when did an imperial probe droid make its first appearance!
Full list of Star Wars Trivia Questions
If you don’t want to print these out and are just looking for ways to see how great your Star Wars trivia knowledge is, here are all of the questions!
I’ve broken it out into easy and difficulty questions but don’t worry if you don’t know some of the easy ones – they can be tough!
Easy Star Wars Trivia Questions
- What droid is the first Star Wars character to speak in the original Star Wars (the first film)?
- In what movie does a character chant, “I’m once with the force, the force is with me,” over and over again?
- Who wins the Boonta Eve Classic annual pod race on the planet Tatooine?
- Rey ultimately discovers that she is the granddaughter of which character?
- In what movie do Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala get married?
- During his epic battle with Kylo Ren, Luke Skywalker’s (aka Mark Hamill) feet do not make footprints in the red sand. Why not?
- Who does Han Solo win the Millennium Falcon from in a game of cards?
- During The Force Awakens, who is the Supreme Leader of the First Order?
- In Return of the Jedi, who kills The Emperor?
- Who lies to Darth Vader, telling him that in his anger, he killed Padme?
- Who is actually 50 years old despite a very youthful appearance?
- Who is frozen in carbonite?
- Who is the only character that has been called the “most loathed fictional character to arrive in the past 20 years?”
- What droid has been described as a “Swiss Army Knife that shouldn’t be trusted?”
- In Attack of the Clones, what Jedi is identified as the most skilled with a lightsaber?
- Who is blown into space and is able to return alive due to the force?
- What long dead character miraculously reappears in the movie Solo?
- What vehicle made “the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs?”
- What weapon’s power is demonstrated for the first time in the movie Rogue One?
- What species of “small mammaloid bipeds” inhabit the forest moon of Endor?
- When Padme’s twins are born, Leia is taken to Alderaan and Luke is sent with whom?
- What character plays in both games of “dejarik” (Star Wars chess) depicted in the movie series?
- Who tracks the Millennium Falcon and alerts the Empire that Han and Princess Leia are in Cloud City of Bespin?
- What does it mean if you have a high midichlorian count in your blood?
- Until she fashions one of her own, Rey uses a lightsaber that was originally made by whom?
Star Wars Easy Trivia Answers
Here are the answers to all of the movie trivia questions – you can also get a printable copy that has both questions and answers if you download the files at the bottom of this post!
Let’s start with the easy questions! How many did you get?
- C-3PO
- Rogue One
- Anakin Skywalker
- Emperor Palpatine
- Attack of the Clones
- It’s just an image of Luke, not actually him
- Lando Calrissian
- Snoke
- Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker
- Emperor Palpatine
- Baby Yoda/Grogu
- Han Solo
- Jar Jar Binks
- BB-8
- Yoda
- Princess Leia (I still miss Carrie Fisher)
- Darth Maul
- Millennium Falcon
- The First Death Star
- Ewoks
- Obi-wan Kenobi
- Chewbacca
- Boba Fett
- You’re strong with the force
- Anakin/Dark Vader
Difficult Star Wars Trivia Questions
These ones are tougher so if you’re not a die hard Star Wars fan, good luck!
- What is the shortest movie in the Star Wars franchise?
- Whose genetic DNA template was used to create the clones?
- During the battle of Naboo, who fires the shot that saves the Gungans?
- Who renames FN-2187 as Finn? (Hint: He’s a pro x-wing fighter!)
- Who is the only person to wield a yellow bladed light saber in the movies?
- What Star Wars movie does Peter Parker refer to in Captain America: Civil War?
- Who is captured by the First Order on Pasaana?
- What was the very first Star Wars theme park ride called?
- According to TV insider, who was 2019’s biggest breakout star?
- Which character did George Lucas model after Viet Cong?
- What character has a robot body, a beating heart, and four arms?
- What droid says the line, “congratulations, you are being rescued,”?
- From whom do Luke and his uncle buy C-3PO and R2-D2?
- What movie starts with a scrawl reading, “Wars! The Republic is crumbling,”?
- Which movie was the last to win a competitive Oscar?
- What movie takes place on planets Corella, Mimban, Vandor, and Kessel?
- While at the casino at Canto Bight, what are Finn and Rose arrested for?
- What characters act as security guards for “Oh My Disney” in Ralph Breaks the Internet?
- What type of drink was most popularly served at the Cantina in Star Wars?
- How many actors worked together to portray Darth Vader?
- Who wrote the cantina music featured in The Force Awakens?
- Who is the only actor who appeared in all 9 episodic Star Wars films?
- What song does Weird Al say has been his concert ender for almost every show since 1980?
- Which movie’s score includes tracks titled, “The Scavenger,” “The Girl with the Staff,” and “Starkiller?”
- The original Star Wars was changed in 1997 to imply that this person shot at Han Solo first.
How about the hard ones? I think I got about ten and most of those were just because they touched other categories I like (Marvel, Disney World, etc.).
- Star Wars
- Jango Fett
- Anakin Skywalker
- Poe Dameron
- Rey
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Chewbacca
- Star Tours
- Baby Yoda/Grogu
- Ewoks
- General Grevious
- K-2S0
- Jawas
- Revenge of the Sith
- Empire Strikes Back
- Solo
- Parking violations
- Storm Troopers
- Blue milk
- Four
- Lin-Manuel Miranda
- Anthony Daniels
- Yoda
- The Force Awakens
- Greedo
More Star Wars Ideas
Want more fun ideas for Star Wars Day on May the Fourth or a Star Wars party? Or for some fun while you’re binge watching the Star Wars film series as a family? Try one of these fun activities!
- Star Wars coloring sheets – Star Wars coloring pages for all the movies and all the characters!
- Star Wars scavenger hunt – a fun set of riddles all inspired by the Star Wars movies!
- Star Wars food ideas – tons of great food inspired by Leia Organa, the masters of the dark side, and more! The best things for a Star Wars party!
- Star Wars gifts for men – men, women, kids, you name it and there are great gifts for everyone on this list!
- Star Wars color by number – free printable color by number pages, great for coloring while you watch!
Download the Star Wars Trivia Questions
Enter your first name and email address in the form below to get the printable PDF.
You will receive a link to download the PDF to your email within minutes.
If you do not see the form, click here to get to it.
If you do not see the email immediately after you fill out the form, make sure to check your promotions, spam, and junk folders!
As a reminder, the 10 page PDF will include:
- One page of kid-friendly question cards (red cards)
- Two pages of easy questions (but not necessarily ones that kids will all know) – purple cards
- Two pages of hard questions – blue cards
- One full-sheet trivia game of easy questions (same as on the easy cards) – purple sheet
- One full-sheet trivia game of hard questions (same as on the hard cards) – blue sheet
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