Take your Thanksgiving celebration up a notch by playing one or a few of these fun Thanksgiving games! There are tons of options to choose from including Thanksgiving games for families as well as games that would be great for Friendsgiving or an adults only celebration!

Fun Thanksgiving Games
Ever since we’ve been married, we switch off holidays with my family and my in-laws. Every year I’m in charge of bringing this sausage stuffing (and this Thanksgiving punch) plus coming up with some sort of fun Thanksgiving games to play before or after the feast (and football games).
The challenge with planning games for Thanksgiving Day is that you typically have all sorts of ages wanting to play, so I’ve included a bunch of Thanksgiving game options that work for the entire family – from grandma to the grandkids!
If you don’t have any kids playing, I’ve also included a ton of ideas that would work best for teens and adults – just keep reading and you’re guaranteed to find something that works!
Thanksgiving Games for Families
Whether you’re celebrating with your immediate family, extended family, or even just your chosen family – these games will be perfect! All of these ideas work for any age but are fun enough that the adults will enjoy them just as much as the kids!
Thanksgiving Minute to Win It Games
All of these games are quick and easy minute to win it games. You can play them with individuals head to head or break into teams and let one member of each team play head to head!
Don’t know what what minute to win it games are? Start with my minute to win it games page that’s full of instructions, scoring ideas, and more!
1 – Face the Pie
Supplies: Gummy ABC letters, pie tins, and spray whipped cream (or real whipped cream works too)
Before the party, pull out gummy letters that spell P-I-E for each letter. Put one letter of each of those words into an empty aluminum pie tin. (This pack of 50 pie tins would be perfect.) Fill each of those pin tins with spray whipped cream and put in the refrigerator so they don’t melt while you’re waiting to play.
To play, players must race to eat through their pies to find the letters inside. Once they find the letters inside, they must unscramble them to create the Thanksgiving themed word you came up with. Make sure to give each player an extra pie tin to toss their found letters into for unscrambling!
2 – The Mayflower
Supplies: Under the bed storage container, small corks, fake flowers, and plastic straws (optional)
Fill one of those big long under the bed storage containers with water. Give everyone a small cork with a fake flower stuck into it and have them put in on one end of the storage container.
3- Shake Your Tail Feathers
Supplies: Rectangle tissue boxes, panty hose, and feathers
Before the party, empty a tissue box for each player and replace the tissues with craft feathers. Tape a pair of pantyhose onto each box so the box is in the middle of the pantyhose.
To play, give each player a box tied with pantyhose and have them tie the pantyhose around their waist so the tissue box is on their backside. Players must move around and shake until all of the feathers fall out of their tissue box.
4 – Feather Float
To win, player must be the first one to get their cork from one end of the storage container to the other, by only blowing on it. They can either blow on it alone or through a plastic straw. First cork “boat” to touch the other end wins.
Supplies: Small light feathers
Give each player a light feather. To play, players must blow the feather in the air and keep it floating in the air as long as possible.
If you’re playing individual style games, they must keep it up for a minute. If you’re playing team or head to head, whoever keeps it up longest.
5 – Football Flick
Supplies: Paper footballs (or mini footballs), buckets and pots, masking tape and markers to adding scores
Give each player paper footballs or these mini footballs and line up a bunch of buckets or baskets at varying length. Tape a number to each of the buckets – the furthest one should be 7 points, the middle should be 3 points, and the closest should be 1.
Players have one minute to flick (like you’re playing paper football) footballs into the buckets, scoring as many points as possible in the minute. Or have teams play simultaneously by using different colored footballs, and see who can get to 21 points first.
6 – The Goblet Gobble
Supplies: Plastic goblets, orange ping pong balls
Purchase glass or plastic goblets like these ones and place one per team/player on a table on a far side of the room. On the other side of the room, place orange ping pong balls.
To play, players must transfer three ping pong balls from the table to their goblet on the opposite side of the room. The catch? They can only touch (and hold) the ping pong ball between their chin and their neck.
7 – Please Pass the Corn
Supplies: Candy corn, popsicle sticks, and a shallow bowl or pie tin.
This game is played in pairs. Give each team two popsicle sticks sticks, a bowl full of candy corn, and then put an empty bowl at the other side of the table. Both players should put their popsicle sticks in their mouth.
To play, the player furthest from the empty bowl picks up a piece of candy corn and sticks it on the popsicle stick with their hand. They must then transfer the candy corn from their popsicle stick to their teammate’s popsicle stick (no hands – just popsicle sticks held in mouths) and the second teammate must transfer the piece of candy corn to the empty bowl.
The team that gets the most candy corn transferred successfully into their bowl in a minute wins.
8 – Traffic Yam
Supplies: Raw yams, metal spoons, and painter’s tape (or something else to make a line)
Give each player a raw yam (sweet potato) and have them put it on the ground on one side of the room. Players must race to get their yam from one side of the room to cross a line (taped down with painter’s tape) on the other side of the room and then get back to the starting line. Players can only move the yam by pushing it with the spoon.
This one is the most hilarious if you have multiple people play at the same time because the yams tend to go in crazy directions. Players can also push other people’s yams to play defense as well, just whoever gets their yam across the line first.
9 – Reverse Traffic Yam
Supplies: Raw yams, metal spoons, and painter’s tape (or something else to make a line)
Give each player a raw yam and a metal spoon. Players must place the yam on their spoon and walk across the room and back holding the yam on their spoon (like an egg race). If the yam falls on the ground, they must go back to the beginning and start over.
Make it even more difficult by making people walk backward! First player to cross the line with their yam safely in their spoon wins.
10 – Corn to Copia
Supplies: Fake corn, empty cornucopia, blindfold
This game requires two players per team. Give one player on each team a large empty fake cornucopia and blindfold them and have them stand on one side of the room.
Have the other player stand about ten feet away and give them a bucket full of plastic or stuffed corns (we used little Indian corns like these ones).
To play, the first player must hike (football style) the corn to their teammate who must catch three, blindfolded. Or if that’s too tough, catch one. Players can talk to each other to help direct their teammate.
12 – Turkey Bowl
Supplies: Fish bowl, stuffed or plastic turkey, colored ping pong balls
Place a fish bowl with a plastic or stuffed turkey (this guy is so cute!) in the middle of a room.
Place a large bowl of colored ping pong balls (different colors in each bowl) 10 feet away from the fish bowl in the four directions (to the right, to the left, in front of, behind). The first player to bounce one (or more if your teams are good) into the turkey bowl wins!
13 – A Bit Corny
Balance six candy corn on a Popsicle stick held in your mouth. Start with just the popsicle stick in the mouth and one by one add the candy corn to the stick. The first player to get all six on the stick wins.
14 – Hut, Hut, Hoop
Bend over and hike toilet paper rolls through a hoop 15 feet away. Make a certain number of rolls through the hoop within the minute. If you want to go the football route, you can try any of these football party games too!
15 – Linemen
This is one of my favorite Super Bowl party games, but it’d be perfect for a football loving family on Thanksgiving too!
Have players stand at one end of the table and slide Oreo cookies on a football tablecloth, trying to get them to land touching the line.
Players have to land one linemen (Oreo) on each of the lines the fastest (or within a minute) to win.
Floor Inspired Thanksgiving Game
If there was one game I was going to play this Thanksgiving, this would be it. This game inspired by the gameshow The Floor will have players going head to head to guess what seem to be simple Thanksgiving images – foods, movies, and more! All of the slideshows are free and created for you to download in this Thanksgiving floor game.
Thanksgiving Price is Right
Who can guess the price of Thanksgiving feast ingredients? Find out in this fun and easy game that the whole family can play! This Thanksgiving price is right game is the perfect option for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner game or something to play after!
Thanksgiving Wishes Game
This is another super fun Thanksgiving game that’s perfect for playing around the table with the entire family! Someone reads an “I wish…” statement then everyone chooses their favorite choice of the four! Whoever matches the majority answer wins a point! You can get all of the rules plus the printable Thanksgiving wishes game in this post.
Pumpkin Roll
Players roll a pumpkin and try to get it to land inside of a taped out game board to win prizes! It’s super simple and could be adapted for pretty much any fall party! You can get all the pumpkin roll game rules here.
Turkey Hunt
This turkey hunt idea was actually submitted by one of my readers who plays this every year with her family! The basic idea is that the host hides a turkey then everyone looks for it throughout the day. The person who finds it wins a prize then hides the turkey again – everyone can look and win prizes throughout the day until all the prizes are gone!
I made a printable turkey hunt game that you can use with either the idea above or just as more of a Thanksgiving scavenger hunt.
Thanksgiving Family Feud
This fun Thanksgiving version of the classic game show is one of the best Thanksgiving games for Thanksgiving Day with all of its Thanksgiving questions! You can get both Thanksgiving and Christmas family feud questions in this post.
Thanksgiving Bingo
While my family personally only plays Christmas bingo, I know a lot of families who play Thanksgiving bingo too! Use these printable Thanksgiving bingo cards for a fun Thanksgiving version of the classic family game!
Thanksgiving Outburst
Outburst is always a hit because it’s literally just yelling out words in a category and even kids can come up with things for categories like Thanksgiving desserts and football teams! You can download Thanksgiving outburst cards here.
Thanksgiving Pictionary
Grab a pen and some paper for this fun Thanksgiving pictionary game! It’s as simple as splitting into teams then seeing who can draw Thanksgiving words for their team to guess first! This one’s a classic for a reason!
Gratitude Punch Game
This Thanksgiving version of a punch game (our Christmas punch game went totally viral) incorporates the idea of a punch game with talking about things you’re grateful for! Fill the gratitude game with gratitude questions for people and Thanksgiving snacks! Then when they punch it out, they answer the question and get the treat!
Gratitude Skittles Game
Don’t want to make a punch game like the one above? Try this Skittles gratitude game that literally just uses a bag of Skittles and this Skittles gratitude game printout. Players grab a random Skittle candy and answer questions based on what they chose!
Thanksgiving Charades
Another classic game with a Thanksgiving twist! Players pick out one of these Thanksgiving charades words then act it out for their team to guess! This is one of my family’s favorites to play every holiday and Thanksgiving is no different!
Or mix it up and try reverse charades instead, which is way more fun in my opinion. Get the rules in our party games post that features our favorite games!
Thanksgiving Would You Rather
Everyone will love answering these hilarious Thanksgiving would you rather questions together! Turn it into more of a game than an activity by having people choose and try to match the majority (like we did with our New Year’s Eve would you rather game).
I love to put out a Thanksgiving charcuterie board and let people snack while we play!
Thanksgiving Dice Game
Another variation on a gratitude game that incorporates dice (kind of like my dice gift exchange). This fun Thanksgiving dice game will get everyone involved and is super easy to play – just roll the dice and say something nice about the person the dice tells you to talk about!
Cup Football Game
This cup football game that’s played using just plastic cups is a quick, easy, and oh so fun game to play in between watching football games on Thanksgiving! Each round takes just a few minutes and everyone can play!
Pick a Play Game
One more football inspired game just in case your family is a watching football on Thanksgiving type of family! This one is as simple as can be and only takes a few minutes to play! Everyone gets a long, run, and short card and has to choose what they think the football team will do. Get it right and you’re still in, get it wrong and you’re out! Get the printable instructions and pick a play cards here!
want 17 Thanksgiving games in one place?
Thanksgiving Games for Adults
Any of the Thanksgiving games above will work for adults as well but the games below are more appropriate for teens and above simply because the games are a little more challenging than the games above!
Thanksgiving Trivia
See who knows their Thanksgiving stuff with a fun Thanksgiving trivia game! There are over fifty different questions including easy ones and more challenging ones (for the real Thanksgiving trivia buffs).
Thanksgiving Word Game
This game is one of our favorites to play for pretty much any occasion – players on teams take turns trying to get their teammate to guess a word without accidentally guessing the danger word! Thanksgiving danger word will be a new favorite!
Thanksgiving Scattergories
See who can come up with words for different letters with this fun printable Thanksgiving scattergories game – a Thanksgiving version of the popular board game! There are a handful of different boards to use so you can play an entire game!
Thanksgiving matching Game
While a Thanksgiving matching game doesn’t typically seem like it’s for adults, this one is because you’ll be matching ingredients to popular Thanksgiving menu items! This one was challenging even for me, but it’s so fun to try!
Thanksgiving Games Just for Kids
Want some Thanksgiving activities that are just for the kids? Try one of these Thanksgiving kids activities!
- Roll a Turkey Game – this fun game will have kids rolling a dice to build a turkey!
- Thanksgiving i-spy – see who can find the Thanksgiving items the fastest!
- Thanksgiving word search – how quickly can you find all the Thanksgiving words in this word search??
- Thanksgiving placemats – these placemats are full of games like tic tac toe and mazes that are perfect for the kids table!
- Thanksgiving scavenger hunt – riddles and clues for kids to follow to find a fun Thanksgiving surprise!
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