1boxbrownie mixplus ingredients needed to make brownies
12ounceswhite almond bark or white chocolatedivided in half
6dropsgreen food coloring
holiday sprinkles
star sprinkles
Prepare and bake brownies according to package instructions.
1 box brownie mix
Let brownies cool completely.
Once cool, place brownies in freezer for 30 minutes.
Using a circle cutter, cut brownies and place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Divide bark into two bowls with 6 ounce in each bowl.
Melt one bowl of bark in microwave at 30 second increments until melted.
12 ounces white almond bark or white chocolate
Put melted bark in zipper bag, cut one corner off.
Drizzle white bark on lower half of brownie to create snow.
Melt other bowl of bark in microwave at 30 second intervals, then add 6 drops of green food coloring. Mix well.
6 drops green food coloring
Put green bark in zipper bag, cut one corner off.
Create a tree with the green bark, add holiday sprinkles and star.
holiday sprinkles, star sprinkles
Cool completely before serving.
Double the brownies but not the bark to double the recipe. There’s enough bark to make up to 20 brownies.Double boil all the chocolate at once instead of splitting it in two batches to save time. Remove half when it’s melted to make the snow and leave the other half in the bowl (turn off the heat, it’ll stay melted). Remove the other half from the bowl when you’re ready to make the trees.Mix the green food coloring into the chocolate in a disposable bowl so that you can simply throw away when you’re done instead of dealing with the mess.Drizzle the chocolate quickly and in one fluid motion as much as possible for the best looking snow and trees.Store in an airtight container and enjoy within five days. Although they’re brownies so I’m guessing they won’t last that long! They don’t at my house at least!