This dirt and worms frosting board combines chocolate frosting, Oreo dirt, and tons of your favorite Halloween treats for a fun Halloween themed chocolate frosting board!
On a serving tray spread a whole container of chocolate frosting. Spread it into the center of the tray.
1 tub chocolate frosting
Evenly sprinkle the crushed Oreo over the frosting on the tray.
Fill the outside of the board with sweet treats to dip into the frosting board. Start by adding fudge rounds to the top left corner as well as the bottom right corner.
4 Little Debbie Fudge Rounds
Then add the little Debbie frosted fudge Cakes in the top right corner, and the bottom left corner.
4 Little Debbie Frosted Fudge Cakes
Use different treats to fill in the outside edges of the board such as brownie bites, mini bundt cakes, and cosmic brownies.
Add mini Oreos into any gaps that might still be on the board. Then add sprinkles onto the crushed Oreo in the middle of the board. To give the board a Halloween feel draw little ghost and tombs in the center of the frosting.
To finish the board sprinkle the gummy worms all over the board.
8 gummy worms
Note - nutrition facts will be completely dependent on what you actually eat from this board so the calculations above will be inaccurate. To store this holiday frosting board, remove the dry foods and place them in an airtight container. Plastic wrap the remaining frosting on the tray or move it to a container to use again later. Place perishable items in the fridge. To use a different flavor frosting but still get the same look, add brown or black food coloring to the frosting in a mixing bowl before spreading it on the board. Toavoid excess mess, you can also line your wooden board or serving tray with parchment paper before adding frosting. This will make it much easier to clean. Aneasy way to balance out the sweet twist of a frosting board is to add a few salty items such as pretzels. The salt flavor will help keep the board from being too sweet.